Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Job Satisfaction in Organisations 2024 by Sarita Chouhan, Head of Department - Commerce (VISMT, Bhopal).


It has often been said that a happy employee is a productive employee and a Happy employee must be satisfied with his job since most people spend nearly half of their waking lives at work. The importance of work satisfaction can be well understood additionally job satisfaction usually indicates or results in satisfaction in life in general, which is necessary for contentment and happiness. job satisfaction can be defined as the extent of positive feelings or attitudes that individuals have toward their jobs when a person says that he has high job satisfaction it means that he really likes his job feels good about it and values are job his job highly it has been established that highly satisfied workers have better physical and mental well-being it is highly debatable as to which one is the cause and which one is the effect but they are known to be correlational on the other hand serious job dissatisfaction results in stress in tension which is usually the cause of a variety of physiological disorders.



Job satisfaction results from the employee's perception that the job content and context actually provide what an employee values in the work situation it can be defined as a legible or positive emotional straight resulting from the phrase all of one job or job experience dispositive emotional state is highly contributory to an employee’s physical and mental well-being organizational speaking high level of job satisfaction reflects highly favorable organizational climate resulting in attracting and retaining better worker.


Many research studies have been conducted on the subject of job satisfaction and employee morale to establish some of the causes that result in job satisfaction these studies have revealed that certain variables are consistently correlated with job satisfaction. Some of these factors have been grouped into 4 identifiable discrete categories which are

- Organizational factors

- Work environment factor

- Factors related to work itself

- Personal factors


Salaries And Wages

Salaries and wages play a significant role in determining the level of job satisfaction respective to the level of position that an employee holds in the organization studies conducted by Lokesh indicate that p is a primary determinant of job satisfaction especially when it is perceived as fair and equitable compared to others and relative to employees own a person contribution pay is also the prime movers since it satisfies the first level needs of Maslow was model of motivation.


Promotional opportunities are another source of job satisfaction especially at higher level jobs because a promotion indicates and employee words to the organization which is highly moral boosting a promotion also involves a positive change in higher salary less supervision more challenging work assignments increased responsibility and decision making freedom promotion as a higher source of job satisfaction for executive them for lower level job such as secretaries because executive promotion brings with it for better benefits as a result of promotion then the case of lower level administrative jobs.

Company Policies

Company policies organization structure and organizational policies play an important role in establishing an environment that is conducive to job satisfaction a highly authoritative and autocratic structure may produce more resentment on the part of employees who may want a more open democratic style of leadership usually government employee behavior and depending upon how strict or liberal these policies are can generate positive and negative feelings about the organization liberal and fair policy are usually associated with job satisfaction policy of field that they are not treated fairly would not be happy with the job.


The work environment factor includes the following categories: -

Supervisory Style

It has been established that wherever the supervisors are friendly and supportive of workers. There is job satisfaction. Conversely, it can also be established that satisfied employees themselves create a social environment at work where supervisors are more considerate of such employees.

Work Group

The group size and the quality of interpersonal relationships within the group play a significant role and worker happiness larger group sizes usually lead to lower levels of satisfaction because large groups lead to poor interpersonal communication reduced feeling of togetherness and difficulty in getting to know each other groups provide get a greater opportunity for building mutual trust and understanding.

Working conditions

Good working conditions are fundamental because they lead to greater physical comfort a high premium on a clean and orderly workstation and factors such as hitting air conditioning, humidity, lighting, noise level availability of adequate tools and equipment and desirable work schedule solving contribute to a higher level of satisfaction while such desirable working conditions are taken for granted and may not contribute heavily towards job satisfaction poor working conditions do become a source of job dissatisfaction simply because the lead to physical discomfort and physical danger.


By and large the work itself plays a major role in determining the level of job satisfaction the job content has two aspects one is the job scope which involves the amount of responsibility pace and the feedback provided the higher the level of these factors the higher the job scope and thus the higher the level of satisfaction the second aspect is the variety it has been found that a moderate amount of variety is most effective excessive variety produces confusion and stress and two little variety causes monotony and fatigue which are dissatisfiers additionally lack of autonomy and freedom over work methods and works create a sense of helplessness it is not very motivating for the employees to have their every step and every action determined by their supervisor it is highly and causes this satisfaction to be avoided because employees feel very and happy if they do not know exactly what they are task is and what is expected of them


While the external environment within the organization and the nature of the job are important determinants of job satisfaction personal attributes of individual employees play a very vital role as together they are happy at the job or not people with generally negative attitude about life and pessimist always complain about everything including the job no matter how would the job is such peoples always find something wrong with it to complain about other factor is age seniority and 10 year have considerable influence on job satisfaction it is expected that is people grow older the usually come up the corporate leader with the passage of time and move into more challenging and responsible positions meeting these challenges and succeeding is a high source of satisfaction available resources and rewards and be satisfied about the situation employees who do not move up at all with time or more likely to be satisfied with their jobs security with their job equally important is the intrinsic source of satisfaction which comes from within the person and it is a function of the employees personality some of the personality traits that are directly related to increase the job satisfaction are self-assurance,self-esteem maturity decisions sense of autonomy challenge and responsibility it can be concluded that the higher the person is on Maslow’s model of hierarchy needs the higher is the job satisfaction.


Sarita Chouhan

Head of Department, Commerce

VISMT, Bhopal (M.P)

Monday, June 24, 2024

Admissions Are Open for Diploma Course

 🚀 Take the first step towards a bright engineering future! Admissions are open for Diploma courses in CSE, EC, EE, ME, CE, and Mining Engineering at NRI Group of Institutions, Bhopal. 🏆

Monday, June 17, 2024

Different Roles of Pharmacists as a Health Care Professional

 Different Roles of Pharmacists as a Health Care Professional

In terms of imparting expert services, the drugstore profession has accelerated notably and is now identified as crucial to the multidisciplinary transport of health care. Because pharmacists are important healthcare experts who enhance patient care and encourage well-being, their role in society’s healthcare is critical. Pharmacists are once in a while referred to as chemists and druggists within the medical discipline. Pharmacists paint with medications and give correct records approximately them. they also assist inside the production, system, nice management, standardization, compounding and meting out of various dosage bureaucracy so they may be used to treat a diffusion of sicknesses. within the healthcare gadget, the pharmacist works in diverse approaches, which include studies and improvement (R&D) section, developing new drug formulations, and preserving proper safety and toxicity of the medication. The pharmacist is crucial for the frail aged population in primary care. The function of pharmacists has been expanding around the world, within the present time, for instance, the COVID-19 pandemic. In essence, pharmacists are essential to the health care system. the thing allows identify pharmacists’ numerous roles in extraordinary healthcare machine fields to expand a healthier international.

Ms. Richa Dubey
Associate Professor
NRI Institute of Research & Technology- Pharmacy

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Scope of Friction Stir Processing in the development of Surface composites

 Friction stir processing is a solid-state method to develop composite especially surface composite. In this method, a non-consumable rotating tool is used to make a composite. The tool is allowed to be inserted inside the workpieces up to a certain depth to process the material. The tool will be rotating with a certain rotating velocity and also travel at a certain travel speed. With the rotation of the tool, the material will also stir and rotate which produces dynamics recrystallization in the material and forms fine grain materials.

Fig. Frictions stir processing

The development of fine grain material plays important in the changes of mechanical and material properties. It improves the hardness, strength, toughness, and wear resistance of the material. These are the important mechanical properties to make any mechanical component.  

To make composites with the help of FSP, grooves or holes need to be made on the upper layer of material to be processed. This can be done by any milling machine. Hard ceramic particles such as SiC, B4C, MoS2, Al2O3, Tio2 can be filled in this grooves. The first step is to close this groove with the pinless tool. Then a non-consuming rotating tool is employed over the work surface with the predecided rotational speed. The FSP tool consists of a pin and column. The pin part will penetrate inside the workpiece and force the material to stir along with it. Because of this, the material will go into intense plastic deformation and dynamics recrystallization happens with the processed material.

Fig. FSP tool

Material microstructure will change and very fine grain microstructure will obtain that reflects the increment of mechanical properties of the material. Further mixing of hard ceramics with matrix material improves its surface properties. Such as hardness, wear, and corrosion resistance increase the applications of these materials in different industries. Composite of light materials such as magnesium and aluminum alloy can replace the application of hard materials such as steel and tungsten in various requirements.

Dr. Hemendra Patle
Asso. Prof. - Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIIST, Bhopal