Thursday, April 18, 2024

Human Poverty Index

An index is a statistical measure that provides data from different sources for analytical studies.

Economic indices track various economic parameters like income, health, happiness, etc.

The human poverty index (HPI) is an indication of the standard of living in a country. HPI was a

complement to the Human Development Index (HDI), which was developed by the United Nations in the

year 2007.

The human poverty index centralizes its focus on the absence of three main elements of human life

consisting of) longevity- life expectancy, basic healthcare, and infant mortality rate

II) Knowledge – literacy level, school enrolment

III) Standard of living – per capita income, access to clean drinking water, sanitation, adequate

housing HPI is measured in two ways, first for developing countries(HPI-I) and second for groups of

selected high-income OECD countries (HPI II) for a better understanding of socioeconomic differences among the nations of the world.

India and HPI Parameter (2022). Percentage

1) Longevity. 70.19 years.

2) infant mortality rate. 5.6 per thousand births.

3) literacy rate. 74.37%.

4) School Enrollment. 88%

5) per capita income. 1.70 lakhs per annum.

6) safe drinking water. 71%.

7) sanitation facility. 97%.

When it comes to world statistics, India stands at 111 number out of 125 countries in the

world in multidimensional poverty index. Although India is the fifth largest economy in the world,

still, we are still far behind other countries when it comes to the human poverty index.

Ritu Sikka
Department of Arts-Economics
Vidyadayini Institute of Science Management and Technology, Bhopal.

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