Thursday, July 25, 2024

Pharmacovigilance in Pharmacy

Millions of people around the world are partially or fully dependent on medicines to live a normal life, with such huge dependency even a small defect in medication may impact a lot of people. There are many horrid tales of promising medicines which passed clinical trials but ended up causing major upheaval. History is filled with cases; Thalidomide Tragedy, OxyContin and the Opioid Epidemic, Vioxx (Rofecoxib) all highlighted the need of a drug monitoring system like pharmacovigilance to safeguard patients against adverse reactions of medications.

Pharmacovigilance is the lifeblood of the pharmaceutical industry, ensuring the safety and efficacy of medicines for patients worldwide. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines pharmacovigilance as- ‘‘the science and activities related to detecting, assessing, and preventing adverse effects or any other drug-related problems.’’ Though it sounds like a complex term, at its core pharmacovigilance is just making sure that medicines are safe for people to use.

The present fast paced scenario of the pharma industry needs safety breaks like pharmacovigilance to ensure that only high-quality medications with minimal risk to patients reach the market. With continuous advances in the pharma industry every year more and more drug molecules are ready to be turned into formulations and marketed to millions after their success in clinical trials. But the clinical trials done on few hundred people don't reflect the reality or outcomes of medication in diverse populations; that is bound to take it once it is launched in market. Pharmacovigilance is what prevents the medication related epidemics from becoming a regular occurrence.
Even though pharmacovigilance is directly or indirectly involved and influences every sector of pharma and healthcare, there are three major areas it is concerned with i.e. Product quality, Adverse drug reactions and Medication errors.

In the pharma industry, pharmacovigilance has significant influence in drug approval process as it is integral part of both pre-approval safety assessments and post-marketing surveillance. The pharma industry spends a lot of money in marketing, product design, making sure the quality of medicines is up to regulatory standards and in other drug development and evaluation tests. Pharmacovigilance reports on adverse drug reactions, product quality etc. along with patient feedback and surveys provide enough information for the pharmaceutical company to make future decisions for its medications in the market.

Pharmacovigilance systems ensure the safety and efficacy of pharmaceutical products throughout their lifecycle through their continuous monitoring, they identify the potential risks associated with medications, facilitating timely interventions and regulatory compliance.

Pharmacovigilance plays an important role in maintaining the product quality in the pharma industry through its continuous monitoring of medications throughout its lifecycle. Not only do the pharmacovigilance systems help with detection of quality issues in medicines during drug development phase but it also plays significant role in monitoring post marketing safety of medicines too. Pharmacovigilance systems also help pharma companies in decision making by providing benefit-risk profile of medications which in turn helps in taking guided actions in direction of product modifications, labeling changes, or market withdrawals if necessary.

Pharmacovigilance is an ever evolving continuous and complex system that operates through coordinated efforts at local, national, and global levels. Drug monitoring is a complex task that requires collaborative monitoring efforts and engages with diverse stakeholders each with specialized roles and responsibilities to maintain the safety of medications worldwide.

The synergistic effect of collaborative monitoring efforts by regulatory agencies, pharmaceutical companies, and healthcare professionals impacts the public trust in the medications which in turn impacts the public trust in the pharmaceutical company. Pharmacovigilance systems acts as bridge between healthcare, pharma companies and the patients. The pharmacovigilance reports act as guiding light to pharma companies that help in navigating the future of their marketed medications and formulations.

Pharmacovigilance systems strongly rely on collection and analysis of data on drug safety obtained though different monitoring units. The pharmacovigilance data is important for pharmaceutical companies as it has major impact in the production as well as labelling of medications. There are many ways in which the data collection for pharmacovigilance is done; it can be done passively, where reports are submitted spontaneously and voluntarily like in case of thalidomide tragedy where spontaneous reports from healthcare professionals provided the data or via active data collection, where through specific studies or surveys data is collected, for example; in market withdrawal of NSAID Vioxx (rofecoxib), active data collection during the post-marketing studies revealed that the negative impact of vioxx on cardiovascular health far exceeded its usability as pain medication. In rare cases like for covid vaccines, the data is collected mandatorily i.e. the reporting is required by law. Once the data is collected, it is carefully analyzed and any important findings are reported to ensure the safe use of medications.

Pharmacovigilance is a major and integral part of pharmaceutical industries, in addition to providing the reports on adverse drug reactions and maintaing product quality it also plays significant role in identification and addressing potentially harmful medication errors to make sure safety of medications. The most common types of medication errors are prescribing errors, dispensing errors, administration errors and monitoring errors. The pharmacovigilance system through their assessed data on medication errors help the pharmaceutical companies and healthcare system in identification of patterns and implement the necessary actions to reduce the risk of medication errors and improve medication safe.

Despite playing cardinal role in both the pharmaceutical industry and health care sector, pharmacovigilance is not advancing with the same pace as other pharmaceutical industry. Like any other system, Pharmacovigilance too has its own challenges. The increasing complexity of drug therapies and the rise of personalized medicine demands a complex monitoring system. Additionally, Underreporting of Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs), Lack of Awareness and training among personnel has emerged as significant issue that need immediate attention. These challenges call for pharmacovigilance related training and education for all healthcare and pharma professionals. Implementation of better reporting systems and usage of advanced data analytics may help with detection and assessment.


Atul Bopche
Assistant Professor

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